The Napoleonic Way is a beautiful walk through nature and sea that connects Opicina and Prosecco, two small towns in the triestine Karst. The way consists of an easy 5 km long trial above the sea, that offers some of the most stunning views on the city of Trieste.

Popular legend holds that Napoleon’s troops were the first to cross the pathway, which is the reason behind its name. The trial was designed by Giacomo Vicentini, and that is why it is also known as Strada Vicentina.

The Napoleonic Way is very popular amongst climbers because it offers great rock faces, making it a perfect setting for rock-climbing.

The trail can be tackled both from Piazzale dell’Obelisco in Opicina and from Prosecco and parking is not a problem in neither of the two.

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Rilke Trail
