An excursion that meets everyone’s taste. Great for those who like the blue of the sea but just as good for the green nature lovers.

The Sage trail connects two karst villages: Santa Croce and Aurisina. It is dedicated to the well known triestine born climber Tiziana Weiss, who was rewarded in 1975 with the prestigious Panathlon Sport and Studio award. Along the Tiziana Weiss trail you can reach the homonymous look-out point, built over a bunker that dates back to the period of the two World Wars, and that offers its visitors and incredible view over the gulf and the cliffs.

One of the attributes that strikes the most the visitors of the Sage trail is the smell that this aromatic plant releases.

This track connects also to the Fishermen’s trail, that lead to the well-known wild beach Canovella de’ Zoppoli.

You can access the path from Aurisina and leave your car next to the municipal gym, from Sistiana, near the Craft area, or Santa Croce.

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